Many ask why do I need to charge my crystals. They need to be charge because they hold on to the energy they are exposed to and in many cases it is not good energy. An example would be if you are carrying around a crystal to protect you then it is absorbing all the energy it is protecting you from. You want to release that energy from the crystal. By charging the crystal you are also clearing, but you also want to reenergize them with grounding energy. This can come from the moon, soil, sound, etc.

I’m going to share different methods with you. No method is better than another. Choose the one that feels right to you.

As to how often you should charge them, there is not simple answer. You need to take into account what they are being exposed to on a daily basis. You do want to clear/charge them when you first get them. I definitely charge with each full moon.

Crystals can be stored in a soft pouch, if they are not out on display, to keep them safe from being scratched or dusty.


The best time is on a full moon which is the most powerful of the lunar cycles.

Simply place the crystals outside on the ground when there is a full moon so they can be charged. If you do not have a safe place to put them outside, you can also place them on a windowsill inside that gets moonlight on it.

Bury in the Ground

Dig a small hole and place the soil into a pot or jar. Then lower the pot or jar into the ground and cover with the remaining soil. You want to place a marker where you buried your crystals. Leave them in the ground for at least one week. This charges your crystals with the power of the ground.

Burn Sage

Charge your crystals by burning sage or palo santo and pass your stones through the smoke. You can also use incense, like sandalwood, lavender or jasmine. Depending on what the crystal is used for, plan on 2-4 minutes per crystal.

Immerse in Salt

Place your stone in sea salt overnight. You do not want to use this method with softer stones like opal, calcite or turquoise. This process could easily scratch them.

Sound Bath

Due to the different frequencies, sound can be another tool. You can place the crystals in a singing bowl and ring it.

Spirit Guides

If you have connected with a spirit guide and work with them often, then you can use this method. You can reach out to them through meditation and connect your crystals along with your intention for them to your spirit guide.