peaceful meditating image

The wolf is a symbol of sharp intelligence and a sense of community, but it also can be a symbol of isolation and lack of trust to name a few. It is always important to learn about the good and bad aspects of a spirit animal. It will help you better understand why it’s showing up for you or why you are drawn to it.

I will show the positive and negative aspects of the wolf spirit animal, which will help you evaluate your personal experiences and what you are being drawn to within the wolf.  As an example, if you are drawn to the wisdom of a wolf, it could give you the confidence to handle any challenge at work or in life.

Wolves deal with many challenges out in the wild, but they survive. They love their freedom and live their life by adapting to their environments. They are guided by their instincts. If a wolf comes into your life, it could mean you need to start living your life with intensity and have more of a sense of freedom. It could also mean you need to start being true to your authentic self. Live your life to its fullest.

They are also a reminder to be persistent and never give up even when you feel there is no light at the end of the tunnel. The wolf spirit animal is a symbol to trust your instincts and keep your spirit alive. No matter how hard life may seem the spirt of the wolf can give guidance to survive any obstacle through strength, courage and resilience.

Wolves are pack animals and have strong bonds. To survive it is important that they have strong communication and teamwork. They show this through hunting in packs.  They are loyal to their family and community. The wolf is a reminder to work and care about our own relationships. They could be manifesting for you as a reminder you are not alone even when you feel this way.

  • White Wolf is the spiritual teacher.
  • Brown Wolf is the teacher of health and healing.
  • Gray Wolf is the teacher of hidden lessons.
  • Red Wolf is the keeper of the earth and nature.
  • Black Wolf is the teacher of the physical.

In summation of the positive aspects of the wolf. Live your life to the fullest and trust your instincts. You have an inner guide, and you should listen to it. Follow your dreams and when doubt starts to creep in look for your inner confidence. In the end you should follow your heart and what makes you happy.

Here are some examples of the negative symbols of the wolf spirit animal. It could represent a vulnerability or feeling threatened by a “predatory” feeling. It is a chance to look at your life and see if there is someone who makes you feel this way, maybe you have shared too much of yourself. If the wolf is manifesting itself to you then it could mean you need to strengthen your boundaries.

This can also come in to play at work. Do you feel like there is competition at work? Do you feel like you are dealing with a pack? Remember the positive traits of the wolf and find your inner confidence, but as mentioned above strengthen your boundaries and protect yourself.

Meditation is a great way to connect with your spirit animal. When I meditate, I bring in Archangel Michael to protect me while I open energy up to connect.

  • Close your eyes and take a deep breath, while you count to five then exhale to the count of five.
  • Take in another deep breath, while you count to five then exhale to the count of five.
  • Ask Archangel Michel and his army to protect you while you interact with your spirit animal.
  • Continue to breathe in and breath out slowly.
  • See yourself in an open, calm green area with trees and beautiful moonlight.
  • As you are in this area, continuing to slowly breath in and out, feel the breeze.
  • Allow yourself to feel the calm and serenity of the area.
  • Ask your spirit animal to show themselves to you. You can also ask Archangel Thuriel to be there with you ask you reach out. Archangel Thurial is the angel of animals.
  • Allow yourself to relax and see the majesty of this animal. You will feel his confidence and strength.
  • Find a place to sit and let the wolf come to you. Before you start, ask your spirit animal their name. As you sit together and speak your questions or concerns, allow the wolf to be the teacher.
  • The wolf will provide the clarity and guidance that you need to follow your path.
  • The more times that you do this, you will start to feel a connection to your inner spirit and guidance. You have an inner wisdom that you can draw from to deal with any challenges.
  • When you are ready to end the meditation, thank the wolf and Archangel Thuriel for coming.
  • Take a long breath in and exhale slowly.
  • Thank Archangel Michael for protecting you.
  • Sit breathing in and out until you feel fully ready to end the meditation.

If the wolf truly speaks to you, find ways to surround yourself with the wolf spirit. A way to remind you to trust your instincts, embrace your free spirit, take risks and remember you are not alone. Surround yourself with a strong pack that will have your back.

To share my own story, the wolf is my spirit animal, I had gone to east Tennessee for a wedding, many years ago, and the owners of the house we were renting had a hybrid wolf/dog that weighed around 120 lbs. He was a big and beautiful. I was so excited to see him and asked if I could go up to him. Also, I had foot surgery not long before that, so I was wearing a walking boot. They allowed me to go up to him, but I could see their hesitation. Here was my confirmation that I did have a connection to wolves. As he walked calmly towards me, he had his head lowered and allowed me to pet his head. Then the owner came up and the hybrid sat over my foot in the boot. The owner was concerned, and I let him know his hybrid was protecting my foot. I would listen to him howl and it just put me at peace. To this day when I am having a stressful day, I can listen to a video of wolves howling and it calms me.

I met with an angel communicator a few years ago and she had a message for me from my wolf. He wanted a name, funny how the thought never occurred to me to give him a name. Then she laughed and said, “He is quite the character. He wants Wolfie”. She told me things to have him do to help protect me and to continue to talk to him. She also told me he lays next to me every night on the bed.

Here is my tattoo: